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Michael Moran
A Little Bit About Michael
Having gained a wealth of experience working in several of Glasgow’s top salons, during which time he travelled the world taking part in dozens of hair demonstrations, seminars as well as photographic sessions, Michael decided it was time to spread his wings!!!
Pele has now been at the very top end of Glasgow’s hairdressing industry for over 20 years!!!
His energetic and enthusiastic personality influence everyone around him and
he STILL loves creating new looks and images for his clients each day in the
“It’s ALL about the team” is his mantra!!!!!!
Fun Facts
- Name: Michael Moran AKA….. Boss or Penfold
- Favourite Food: Pulled Pork made by Sandra or Indian Veg or Haggis pakora
- Favourite Band / Music: David Gray, Paolo Nutini, the Eagles,the Bee Gees plus millions more!!
- Favourite holiday destination: New York or Calpe in Spain
- Hobbies: Golf and walking my dog Hugo!!
- Something you never knew about me: When I was 16 I was ranked 15th in Scotland at Table Tennis!!!! I almost got to represent my Country and probably would have if I had got into the top 10 however…. I HAD to give it up because it was interfering with my career too much since I would take a lot of Saturdays off work to take part in ranking tournaments and I would call the salon early saying that my Granny had died!!!! After using this excuse about half a dozen times I got caught and got a final warning……. sad eh?????