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Samantha Townsley
A Little Bit About Sammi
Sammi is the salons Colour Technician with a wealth of experience under her belt and has been responsible for hundreds of extremely happy clients leaving Pele with not only beautifully coloured hair, but beautifully conditioned hair too!!!
Sammi’s hairdressing philosophy is every bit as hair condition conscious as she is colour result driven.
This means you can be assured of the best possible result EVERY time!!!
So whether you simply want to freshen up your existing colour or go for a new look, Sammi is on hand in the salon to offer you a free consultation.
Fun Facts
- Name: Samantha Townsley AKA….. Sammi
- Favourite Food: Nachos
- Favourite band/music: Michael Buble
- Favourite holiday destination: Marbella
- Hobbies: Going out with the girls, drinking cocktails and dancing
- Something you never knew about me: I used to work in a strip club!!!!!!